Tag Archives: Mindful Profanity

Mind-Blowing Secrets to Winning Mindset:Dr. Denise’s Unfiltered Vegas Talk

Welcome to an inspiring and engaging presentation by Dr. Denise McDermott, an integrative adult and child psychiatrist, at a recent Vegas event! In this talk, Dr. Denise delves into the profound connection between energy and mindset, exploring how fear and excitement can be harnessed to achieve a winning attitude. Dr. Denise, known for her dynamic […]

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Let’s Discuss Mindful Profanity!

Our words, thoughts and actions carry a vibrational frequency. Choose wisely! Repost 8/9/19 In my blog post entitled “Be Empowered! Our Words, Thoughts and Actions Matter” I discussed the power of words and how one FEELS when we use different words. I wanted to share how I talk about the topic of profanity in my office […]

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Healing After Love Fraud, Rocking A Betrayal with Donna Andersen

“My soul planned the entire debacle,” Donna Andersen, Founder of the Love Fraud platform. Are you ready to join Donna on her healing journey from love fraud by her ex-husband who swindled a quarter million dollars, was cheating on her with six other women, was a bigamist and impregnated another woman while still married to […]

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What A Day! What A Week! On Staying Sane…

WHAT A DAY!  WHAT A WEEK! From too many tow trucks to a late-night email from school, we can all have a “day!”  Or, by Friday the over-scheduled work days can leave us saying, “What a week!”  So how do you stay sane when you’re overwhelmed, angry or sad?  The “On Staying Sane” crew has […]

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