Category: Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond

Introduction to The Liminal Odyssey with Sande Hart, Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond

“Gather Women.” These profound words dropped into Sande’s awareness on the morning of 9/11/01. Join Sande Hart and I on a discussion of the “process” of listening to your inner voice, aka your intuition, that allows OUR magical moments to be appreciated and to be birthed. This part 1 with Sande discusses her new book […]

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Mental Wellness, Life Hacks & Reverent Relationships with Dr. Joyce Spurgeon

Are you experiencing low energy, overwhelm or stress? Financial challenges? Seasonal mood changes? Emotional disconnect? Anticipation of the holidays? You are not alone and this is the episode for you! It is an honor to have Dr. Joyce Spurgeon, board certified psychiatrist back to discuss mental wellness, life hacks and the importance of meaningful relationships: […]

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People’s Choice Awards

Written on 9/30/22 @DrDeniseMD (Insta and FaceBook) I just watched the People’s Podcast Awards. Congratulations to all the winners & nominees #podcast #universe Thank you Todd Cochrane & to the committee. #peoplespodcastawards #poc2022 @geeknews It is important to reflect from time to time. I am a single Mom. Doctor. Producer. And Host of: #drdeniseshow Founder […]

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Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with G. Beverly Bergmann Part 2

Tenacity, Love and Patience become the Trinity for today! Part 2:–17-40-44–final-mix_1_.mp3 “Dare to Be … A Prayer”   Dare to dream Dare to step forward and Dare to be.   And, as I do, I claim and honor my authentic Self which has been Nurturing me more than I realize. It is with this […]

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Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with G. Beverly Bergmann Part 1

It is an honor to have Beverly Bergmann join me for the September 2022 Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond Series. Bev shares her “aha moment” feeling of liberation and freedom on the cellular level and true integration of mind, body & soul with the concept of embracing her unique neurostyle. We also embraced what I […]

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LOVE ALLKIND! Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with Jake Myers

“Use the energy of fear, betrayal, and other intense emotions to CREATE a MOMENTUM of Change.”~Dr. Denise “LOVE ALLKIND!” A vision and concept of working towards love & acceptance of individuals (all sentient beings) regardless of race, sexuality, gender, socioeconomic & more is near and dear to Dr. Denise’s heart and Earth mission. Jake Myers […]

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Health Integrity! Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond Part 2 with Dr. Joyce Spurgeon

“People are looking for conflict.” ~Dr. Joyce Spurgeon This is a deep dive vulnerable talk with Dr. Denise and Dr. Joyce on HEALTH INTEGRITY regarding how to talk with one another given the pandemic is still here and Humanity is BURNT OUT on all things Covid. How do we socialize? How do we respect one […]

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Health Integrity! Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with Dr. Joyce Spurgeon

Let’s Talk Health Integrity. Dr. Joyce Spurgeon is back to start a discussion on what I have been calling Health Integrity. She and I are on the frontlines of mental health and in this part 1 Dr. Joyce and I talk about the 25 % increased incidence of anxiety and depression for Humanity during the […]

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Gratitude, Perception & LOVE! Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with Deborah Romero

Evidential Medium Deborah Romero is back for a deep dive on gratitude, perception, & LOVE! We all process and perceive information in our unique way, our neurostyle. WE are Evolving Energy Beings… The multidimensional integration of the ENERGY of our HUMAN characteristics “the fabulous five” (biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual) and sixth sense INTUITION set […]

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Embrace Your Neurostyle and Beyond with Ryan Phillips Part 2

Alchemy IN Motion! Part 2 with Ryan Phillips: Ryan Phillips has led a packed life full of lessons in many arenas. The first was ice hockey, his passion and dream growing. Everything seemed to be on track until he left home at 16. A string a major injuries and other set backs didn’t allow […]

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