Tag Archives: MentalHealthAwareness

The Vulnerable Reality of Suicide and Prevention with Dr. Joyce Spurgeon

Dr. Joyce Spurgeon shares her personal loss of her closest childhood friend, Jeannie. We go back in time to the exact moment that she found out this devastating news. We discussed the feelings of despair, hopelessness and burden someone feels when they decide they can no longer stay on earth. This is a vulnerable episode […]

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Protect Your Brain! My Son My Teacher

“Protect Your Brain!” My son and I have a chat about mental health, prevention and more on this episode. -50% of all life long mental health challenges start before age 14, 75% before age 23… When we know how to talk with our kids and each other in non-stigmatizing educating ways it is a game […]

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ASK! THE QUESTIONS TO ELEVATE YOURSELF AND OTHERS with Mark Victor Hansen & Crystal Dwyer Hansen

Dr. Denise teams up with journalist Cathleen O’Toole to interview the authors of “Ask!  The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny.”  Crystal Dwyer Hansen and Mark Victor Hansen, of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series fame, are the husband-wife duo behind a new recipe for using questions to alter one’s course.   From, “I […]

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