Meet Tom Massari, Sleep Medium

Are you ready to meet veteran sleep medium Tom Massari?

I am humbled by the supersynchronicity and evolution of how I met him.

Tom Massari, co-author of “The Art Of Reclaiming Your Intention And Power according to Abram and author of “Conversations With An Alien” is a well respected veteran sleep medium of more than 50 years. Along with Abram, he has held thousands of public and private sessions including, workshops, seminars and classes in the U.S. And other countries.


  • is one of the foremost and groundbreaking channels in the metaphysical field from the early 1970’s
  • has mentored some of today’s top personalities in metaphysics
  • has held thousands of public and private channeled sessions for people nationally and internationally
  • is the co-author of “The Art Of Reclaiming Your Intention And Power”
  • is an accomplished musician having composed a film score and meditation, sleep, jazz/rock and orchestrated music.