Learn to Trust Your Intuition

The inner knowing that fearlessly drops into awareness is INTUITION.
How do we have CLARITY of Mind to allow FLOW state to happen?
Mental wellness “self checks” through out the day set a foundation.
Ask yourself:
Am I starting my day with gratitude and integrating throughout the day?
How is my selfcare & DEEP PLAY?
Sex life?
Random acts of kindness?
Focused Intentions/ follow through?
Am I spending time in Nature?
Who do I share my free time with?
What is my inner dialogue like?
Who is allowed in my Inner Circle?
Are my words, thoughts and actions matching up? My colleagues? My friends? My family?
Can I say NO or not now if I am overwhelmed or overbooked?
Inner Peace is unique for all of US & requires UNIVERSAL ingredients of awareness, self love and altruism to navigate moments of crisis to thrive.
Remember WE all process and perceive our environment in our own unique way, I call it our NEUROSTYLE.
By integrating the FABULOUS Five dimensions:
Sixth Sense Intuition
We can…
(Drum Roll Please)
Embrace Our Neurostyle and Beyond!
@DrDeniseMD (IG & FB)
P.S. If you read the entire post you are probably a UNIVERSE Geek too.