WE have got this….

I get it. We are all facing this together. Right NOW.

We are working from home.

Our kids are attempting to do online school.

Restaurants, bars, venues are closed.

Hand sanitizer is sold out.

Toilet paper is the hottest item of our time~ it is as if the more we buy the more we are feeding into our fears.


Will I get the Coronavirus? Will I unknowingly be asymptomatic and pass it to an elder relative or someone that is immunocompromised?

What will happen to my job? How will I pay my mortgage? My rent? Should I dump my stocks?

It is so important that WE stay sane, calm and prevent a greater spread of COVID-19.

Let’s do this together, ok?

Today was day 1 of homeschool and I worked from home via FaceTime to have appointments with my patients.

There were mixed feelings by all, yet a sense of HUMANITY was the shared sentiment.

Whether it was a patient, a friend, a relative or my son we all are feeling the uncertainty.

I recommend that while we are in our homes we reflect on what we are grateful for.

Do I have food, shelter and clothing?

Am I healthy?

We need to follow common sense recommendations from the CDC and adhere to social distancing.

The more we prevent the spread the sooner we will be back to business, our children at school and life will go on.


Boost your immune system with healthy nutrition, exercise and rest.

Practice meditation and mindfulness.

Limit the amount of news each day. Grab the facts and go.

Tell someone you love them.

FaceTime each other while practicing self quarantines.

Do not hoard all supplies as the grocery stores are still open.

Stay home as much as you can.

If you are having any symptoms self quarantine and go to doctor if symptoms escalate.



Have hope.

BE a GOOD Human.

This can unify US and allow us all to live with more humility, grace and love for one another.

Be safe. Be well.

With love~

Dr. Denise