Supporting Loved Ones with Addiction



Supporting Loved Ones with Addiction

Supporting Loved
Ones with Addiction

Thursday, August 30

Lisa – We hear a lot about the “opioid epidemic,” and while it certainly is of significant concern, there are many other types of addictions people struggle with every day. Alcohol, gambling, smoking, shopping, sex, food… the list is open-ended.As difficult as these addictions are for the one suffering, they’re also troublesome for that person’s loved ones — particularly if that individual either denies a problem or simply refuses to get help.

Dr. Denise McDermott has a very personal connection to addiction, growing up with an alcoholic father. Fortunately, he got sober when Dr. Denise was eleven years old (and lived a long healthy life), but the pain she endured prior to his sobriety was intense.

In her interview with Naturally Savvy host Lisa Davis, Dr. Denise shares two keywords to remember: surrender and serenity. You must realize you are powerless over a loved one’s addiction. However, you can surrender with loving, kind and supportive responses to that loved one.

It’s also important to focus on your own self-care, because you can’t truly help another if you’re not healthy yourself. Try not to get sucked in to another’s damaging behavior. You can still be supportive and encouraging without sharing in their pain.

For many, the inner battle of whether to stay with an addict or leave is ever-present. Dr. Denise advises looking at the risk-benefit ratio. Are your children at risk? Is your beloved at least willing to change?

Finally, Dr. Denise recommends asking your loved one, “What do you believe to be the highest version of yourself? When is the last time you felt like you were thriving? What has made you the most passionate, alive and happy?” This can help bring someone out of self-loathing and into a mindset where they feel empowered to take charge of their own health and wellness.

Dr. Denise offers more insight and advice, so to learn more, access the episode HERE.

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